Sunday, January 30, 2011

EXO- TERRA 18x18x24 Terrarium

  Well it has been about 3 weeks since my first post, so I figure it is time for another. For this one I am going to review the Exo-Terra 18x18x24 glass terrarium. To start let me say that I love this thing, by my own opinion I must say this thing has a ton of room. I have been looking around my local area for one of these terrariums and was unable to find one that was just the cage only. The ones that I did find were the habitat kits which are awesome I think but the fact that they were $259.99 was something that I would have to wait and save for if I were to purchase it. However I was able to go and visit my family up north this last week. Now this is always a wonderful trip, hanging with my brothers and Mom is something I look forward to every time. On this particular visit though my youngest brother and I went to the local pet stores just looking around and low and behold what do I see the most beautiful thing. 
  TaDa, there it was. Now the funniest part was that they also had the rain forest and Mayan habitat kits. There price was.......... wait for it.......................................... $159.00. One hundred dollars cheaper than back were I live. That is ridonkulous, I mean a hundred bucks is major. Needless to say I bought the normal one.

   So as you can see that is the box pretty simple. Once you open the top you see a beautiful screen top.

  Sorry I was trying not to shake when snapping that pic. It has 4 locks on the screen top that look like half moons and rotate to lock and unlock. Also on the back side it has 2 slides that allow for wiring if you so choose to have electrical decor or equipment inside your

terrarium. As you can see it has a very nice gloss black finish on the metal and plastic pieces. The mesh is stainless steel fine wire mesh. The standard Exo-terra rock background comes with this cage only package. 

  Now for the body shots and interior shots. Now you are going to see some decor in these pics, but they did not come with the contents of the cage. I purchased these separately. Mind you though I have not finished the inside this is just some of the pieces. To start off the cage is brought together with an adhesive/ sealant that binds the 4 corner together. The front is a dual fold out door system with locking mechanism. This bar that runs along the front is also part of the ventilation system for the cage. With out further ado I give you Exo-terra's 18x18x24 terrarium.

   So as you can see I have a couple of vines and a few fake plants inside with a piece of driftwood. There is also a hide down on the floor in the very back . I plan on getting one large vine to wrap around the two that are wrapped together. The little black things are suction cups stabilizing the vine and driftwood. Those little vines are a little flimsy so the large one is thicker which should make it more rigid. There is also some very thin vine that i am going to use to wrap in random areas on the big vine to make it look more natural. the two hanging plants are mediums and I bought them to see what it would look like. Now that I have a good estimate on the size I am going to be getting one large plant and 3 more medium plants.
 The large one is going to go in the right corner with the drift wood to give cover and a place to chill. The mediums are going to be placed under the two already up and up front near the middle on both sides. I also am going to be getting a magnetic mushroom cupholder for the water and food. With that I am going to get the small magnetic rock to hang  up as well. By the time it is finished I hope to have enough hiding and sleeping places for the cresty .    

  well there you have it. I really love this cage. I think if you love to give your creatures space, then this is the right product. Now Exo-Terra makes many different types and sizes of terrariums and breeder tanks. You can visit there website at Just copy and paste and it will take you right to there site. There are other manufactures and fabricators of these cages. Not all are glass though but do just as well. What ever your preference is you can find it out there. If you can't find something you like there is always the options of building your own. I actually wish to do this later on when I acquire more animals. The wife is still hesitant about a snake, but I feel that I can persuade her given the time. It is that time to end and I hope you enjoyed my rantings or at least gained some insight from them. Till next time take care. Peace!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just Getting Started

 Welcome to my blog. I'm just getting started. Mainly this is going to be about my likes and dislikes or hobbies, and that is about it. First off I am a huge fan of animals and reptiles. The joy in which a pet brings in to ones life is wonderful. I feel for those that have no interest or love for animals. I also hate those who abuse or neglect there's. I have been unable to own a pet for some years because of living and life arrangements. Now that I have a home of my own and am settled in I feel I am finally able to start adding more members to my family. The wife is not so enthusiastic though, only because she comes from a different up bringing. I feel though that i can quickly change her mind if she will but give them a chance.

  So what you see here in these photo's on the right for those that may not know is crested gecko's. These little lizards are so friggin awesome, that i have decided that I am going purchase one of my own. Right now I am just getting ready for the arrival. Meaning that I am purchasing the equipment to house one of my own. I plan to house him or her in an 18x18x24 Eco Terra Terrarium. I have been researching this guy for about a month straight and feel that this would be adequate space for one cresty. I have been looking at breeders and have found one that I like. So I have been looking at his stock just chomping at the bit. Waiting for permission from the Wife to dive head first. Now I assure you that I have been doing my homework.

  There are a few other animals that I can't wait to be able to have in my home apart of my life. For one a dog, but i am unable to own one as of right now.
Due to the fact that my wife and I both work. It would be unfair to the dog to be home alone for that long, 5 days out of the week, let alone the stress it would go through. That is why I am trying to talk the wife into a cat by the middle to the end of this year. Other reptiles that i would love to own are gargoyle gecko's, leopard gecko's, a bearded dragon, a pinstripe or spider ball python, and last but not least a tortoise. These are my wishes as of right now and my wife has no clue that I want to house all of these. Hence the purpose of this blog for me to vent or discuss my passions without hearing the word NO all the time,  hahahahahaha. 

  Well for now this is it. Look here in the next day or two and I will be adding another shortly. Till then take care of yourselves and be safe. Peace!