Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So what you are seeing is take 1 of my setup for my crested gecko terrarium. I love everything so far, although there are a few more items I need or want however you look at it. Sorry for the bright flash, but my room is a little dark. So your asking yourself, what do I have specifically in there. Well I will tell you, first thing you see when looking in there is the long twisted vine. That is actually three different bendable vines twisted together. These are Exo- terra products called jungle vine. There are two small vines with one big vine. I twisted the two smalls ones together first and then wrapped the large one around those. The reason I did this was because the two small vines were to flimsy for a full grown cresty, at least that is what I think. All three have a lot more surface area for a full grown as well. Next thing your eyes fall on is the huge piece of grape wood. Well this big chunk I found at one of my local pet shops. The reason I liked it was because it had a large section and a smaller section, which could allow it to be set upright. For all of the wood , except the bamboo, I use the same cleaning procedure to sterilize. Preheat the oven to 250F and heat for 30 minutes. I walk through my local pet stores often to find really nice pieces of grape, or drift wood. usually you can find some really good ones every once and awhile.
  The next thing is the ledge that is suspended. I have two of these in this cage. The one that is visible from the pic is a Pangea magnetic mushroom ledge cup holder, while the other is a pet tech mag naturals small rock ledge, these things are nice. They are held in place with magnets on the outside of the cage, for those that may not know. Next is the bamboo stick jutting across the middle of the terrarium. Were I live they have an expo twice a month which I regularly attend once a month. Only reason once is because the second date is always on a Sunday. I do not do the anything on Sunday's except church and sleep and study. So about this expo, I am lucky to have this because there are some amazing deals there. I was able to pick up a bunch of things for less than 20 dollars. This bamboo stick is one of the items. I really wish I would have bought another one, but alas I decided against it for purchasing other items. The piece of bamboo is held up by suction cups found at most any pet store, in the fish or aquarium section.
  For all the vegetation you see it is pretty much all the same except for two. These were purchased at both the expo and stores. I would recommend purchasing these at an expo. Reason being that the expo has them for 3 times less than at the store. A large plastic plant as the one I have cost roughly 5 dollars, were as the pet store has it at 17.99. That is a pretty big difference by any means. Now the medium and the smalls are 4.99 and 2.99 were the pet store is 7.99 and 4.99. Also the bendable vines are a good idea to purchase at the expo as well. You can save around 4 to 5 dollars with the large ones and the small ones, at least in my area.
  The next few items are ones that are not visible. In the picture on the right you can see a small cave and another plant. The cave is your normal half wood log found at most any pet stores. The silk plant is a Mac's driftwood creation. The reason I have this is to hide the cave front to allow for more security. Substrate used is Eco Earth. I have an analog Petco temp and humidity gauge as well as a Zilla digital humidty and temp combo gauge. The only thing left is for me to get a heating device, normally you wouldn't need this with a cresty. But I leave my home a litlle cooler than most. So to off set the chill I was going to test a ceramic heat emitter. Just have to see if it is going to be an effective heat source to warm up the interior of the cage.

  Well there you go, this is the setup so far. Now it did take me several attempts to like what I see. Mainly I tried to set it up with the cresty in mind not me. I hope to be getting my cresty soon, but again the wife has a huge part to play in that. So with that said I bid farewell till next time we meet. One last pic for y'all, it is the piece of driftwood in the corner. Don't think I mentioned it but there it is and both pieces I think are pretty friggin sweet. well I'm out peace!!!!!!!

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